Our Father…Hallowed be Your Name Worship. Remind yourself of God’s attributes/character.
Your Kingdom come/Your will be done Ask that God’s rule and reign would dominate your life and motivate your prayers. Surrender/yield your own plans, and ask for God’s will to be your motivation--our loving Father knows best. Ask for God's plans in the life of your family, loved ones, friends, in our church and in our world.
Give us today our daily bread Pray for your, your family’s, your loved ones’ physical needs.
And forgive us our sins as we forgive Ask God to reveal areas in your life that you have sinned. Ask God for forgiveness and strength to walk in His power and grace. Ask God to reveal any bitterness toward someone else you are holding onto. Ask God to help you walk in forgiveness toward that individual(s).
Lead us not into temptation Ask God to help you in personal areas of weakness.