About 2000 years ago, the church was birthed when thousands of people put their faith in Jesus Christ as the risen Savior. These early believers were experiencing restored relationship with God and the love God was pouring into their hearts effected the way they loved and served one another. Acts 2:42 says they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, to fellowship, the Lord's Supper and to prayer. The original Greek word used for fellowship is koinonia. Koinonia embodies a deep and meaningful communion and fellowship. The example of fellowship/koinonia and sacrificial love these early believers were living out amongst each other as they met corporately and then in smaller groups in each other's homes was so powerful that new followers were being attracted to faith in Jesus daily.
At Westside Chapel, we are seeking to pursue koinonia through Koinonia Small Groups. These are groups of 8-12 people who meet regularly for mutual encouragement, Biblical study, and prayer. Starting the week of October 8, both our existing groups as well as new groups that are forming will be taking a two month journey together. For the next two months these groups will meet weekly on various days. Please fill out the survey below if you interested in joining one of these groups.
If you have further questions, contact us by clicking here.
At Westside Chapel, we are seeking to pursue koinonia through Koinonia Small Groups. These are groups of 8-12 people who meet regularly for mutual encouragement, Biblical study, and prayer. Starting the week of October 8, both our existing groups as well as new groups that are forming will be taking a two month journey together. For the next two months these groups will meet weekly on various days. Please fill out the survey below if you interested in joining one of these groups.
If you have further questions, contact us by clicking here.